WholeExpo LogoThe Four Corners Showcase of Holistic & Ecological Products, Services & Seminars

WholeExpo 2015 Durango
entertainment • presentations • music

Join us out front on the patio under the canopy!

SATURDAY, September 12th


Barry Helm: A Channeled Healing Meditation

Barry Helm psychic, channel, bodyworker, healer presents a channeled healing meditation assisting those present in their transformational process.


Gary Champion: Messages from the Other Side

Psychic medium Gary Champion offers an interactive class featuring actual short readings containing messages from the other side. (Not all attendees will receive readings.)


Sue Breeze: INTUITION—Access and Expand Creativity and Manifestation

Learn to develop your right brain intuitive process by establishing a dialogue and insight through various techniques that will nurture and impact your “life situations”.


Trisha Dolan: Vibes – Psychometry

Psychometry is the art of reading vibrations emanating from objects. Vibrations can be read on the hand, voice, chakra, aura and photos. Bring objects such as jewelry and photos to be read.


Sharon Sampsel: Love, Love, Crazy Love

If love is all there is, why is it so crazy! Listen to Sharon Sampsel explain the differences between Soul Mates, Life Mates, and Play Mates! Get your love life questions answered.


Jennifer Craig: Ayni Despacho

Ayni Despacho, ceremony performed by Q'ero medicine people of the Peruvian Andes, offers gratitude to Mother Earth for everything she gives us. Learn to create and offer ayni despacho.


Rick Gnerich: Sounds of the Native Flute and Its Relationship to the 7 Chakras

Hear sounds of the Native Flute and discover how they relate to our 7 major charkas. Learn to use them for intentional fluting, prayer and pleasure. Find out how to play them and choose them for yourself.


Whitney Lamb: Messages from the Angels: The Keys to Well-being and Self-Mastery

Whitney will share messages and insights from the angels as to how one can obtain well-being and self-mastery upon their path.


Mark Freeman: Living a Life with Tarot
Mark has read tarot cards everyday for 22 years. Learn how reading tarot cards daily can change your life at a fundamental level.

SUNDAY, September 13th


Trisha Dolan: Animal Totem Spirit Guides

Animal guides are a fun tool to utilize for understanding our connection to Mother Earth and to all her creatures. The animal kingdom aids mankind in their journey and life lessons.


Ron Liggett: The New Light and Maitreya’s Emergence

Listen to a story which will profoundly affect everyone on earth. We now have help to save our planet.


Marilyn Lawrence: Let's Talk Angels and Purpose

Join Marilyn Lawrence, author of On An Angel's Wing (and three other books), as she talks about the channeled messages she received while writing her Angel book.


Linda Joy Adam and Andrew Swetnam: Connecting with Source

Opening to Source, Linda Joy and Andrew use Universal Energy to bring enlightened information to you assisting in forward movement, growth and understanding.


Julie Marie Huldin: Thai Massage for Partners

Learn the basic principle of Thai Massage with a partner—friends and couples encouraged. Feel longer, stronger and connected to your body.


Marie Redfeather: Tools to Master your Emotional Energy Body!

Understanding the power of emotions and their effects on your well-being. Empower Your Life, letting go of the struggle paradym, not just surviviing but Thriving!