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WholeExpo 2024 Durango
Holistic Health & Ecological Seminars & Workshops

These seminars and workshops have been selected by the volunteer, 2024 WholeExpo Education Committee:

2024 WholeExpo Speakers

Click here to see last years Seminars & Workshops

SATURDAY, September 28th

11:00 – 12:00 Noon

Modern Feminine Rising

with Mindy Arbuckle

We can all feel that the world is out of balance, and we can also feel the feminine energy rising. But what does that mean? In this talk we’ll define the Sacred Feminine and how she relates to the Sacred Masculine. Dive into understanding exactly how we got here. And discover 3 essential ways we can take part in this positive consciousness shift.

Mindy Arbuckle is a spiritual coach and entrepreneur of over 20 years, best-selling author, recording artist, and a lover of living life fully. Mindy lives with her shakti (sacred feminine power) fully alive and awake and uses it to help you find your inner light, love and passion to embody your spiritual fulfillment. It is time to receive, own and share your divine gifts and be an illuminated light to inspire and lead our world back to unity and harmony.

12:00 – 1:00

Lawyers as Healers - No, this is not a Lawyer Joke

with Dave Albrechta

Over the course of the last three decades, several new ways of practicing law have begun to emerge. Some have taken hold in the mainstream while others are still developing on the periphery. Multiple forces are pushing lawyers away from the old way of lawyering into new methods of collaboration and cooperation to resolve conflict. I will briefly explore these new modalities and then offer attendees insight into how conflicts can be resolved through peaceful and collaborative ways – even if lawyers are involved.

Dave Albrechta and his wife/partner Eleni opened their law practice in Durango in 2015. Since then, Dave has been litigating employment discrimination and civil rights cases in state and federal court, including winning a case at the Colorado Supreme Court. In 2024 after much soul searching, he has given up the traditional adversarial way of being a lawyer and has committed to a peaceful and problem-solving practice of law.

1:00 – 2:00

Heal Instantly with Quantum Hypnosis

with Greg Good

Quantum Healing Hypnosis, developed by Dolores Cannon, reviews past lives and enables direct contact with the Subconscious (Source, your guides or your higher self) for answers to any questions and they provide the basis for instant healing. Greg Good, New Earth Quantum Hypnosis, will explain this technique.

For the past 30 years, Greg Good has been involved in the metaphysical realm, quantum physics universe and all things holistic for the body. He is also a QHHT past life healing hypnosis therapist trained by Dolores Cannon since 2010. Visit: www.Getvibranz.com/GregGood Email: gregtgood@gmail.com

2:00 – 3:00

All You Have to Do is Ask

with Amazing Trisha Dolan

What a beautiful opportunity to make changes and transformation in your life. Trisha will teach you principles and how to align with these techniques. Discover the importance of asking for what you want, how to ask for what you want, and the importance and by doing so, creating magic in your life. Going from wishing to creating, and bringing the desire into reality.

Psychic Medium, Angel Therapy Practitioner, and Author of “You Too Are Psychic; Everyone Is!” Come experience profound clarity & answers to life’s journey. With over 30 years experience and her spiritual gifts, Trisha assists you in all areas of life. She can also connect with departed loved ones and relay messages.

3:00 – 4:00

Developing Your Own Psychic Abilities

with Jim Leasure

After a brief lecture on “Developing Your Own Psychic Abilities" Jim Leasure will also give selected Readings to those in attendance.

Jim Leasure is from New Orleans, where he was well known as the foremost Psychic, Spiritual Artist, Astrologer and Metaphysical Teacher in Louisiana for 30 years. His comprehensive Readings cover financial and business opportunities, relationship issues and romance and any health concerns a person might have. His Readings are spiritually oriented and will often have messages from departed loved ones or Master Guides. Jim works clairvoyantly COMBINED with the Tarot Cards and their accuracy has been well documented. His philosophy has always been, there is a Divine Solution for every problem. As a Spiritual Artist, he began doing portraits of Guardian Angels and now includes paintings of Mother Mary and St. Michael the Archangel among other subjects. Jim also specializes in spectacular ceiling and wall murals, kitchen and dining room upgrades and angelic themed nurseries for children and babies.

4:00 – 5:00

Dr. Wilhelm Reich and Orgonite

with Crowfox KimimilaWi

They tried to discredit him yet his work lives on. Dr. Wilhelm Reich made amazing discoveries through his research; discoveries we benefit from to this day. You see it at metaphysical and holistic fairs, you see it online, you even see it in metaphysical stores. Do you know its story? Orgonite, easily crafted, forever impacting the environment around it and the people who keep it, all for the better.

Crowfox is the founder of Rocky Mountain Metaphysics, a researcher, and an educator. She specializes in the careful crafting and creating of Orgonite- objects which emit Orgone or Life Force frequencies. First created by Dr. Wilhelm Reich, an amazingly determined researcher despite all odds, Orgonite proved his theory of the Life Force and provided benefits that caught unwanted attention…. His work and his discoveries continue today through quiet crafters and lay-researchers as well as degreed researchers in labs in California and New York. The more we know, the more empowered we are.

SUNDAY, September 29th

11:00 – 12:00 Noon

Secrets of Divine Creativity

with Kathy Neal

This talk is designed to be inspiring and informative for the first 20 minutes and then the remainder of the time will be spent discussing ideas about divine creativity where the audience participates. You are a spark of God, eternal, unique, and endlessly creative. The creative element is the God-spark within you. This spark is your strength, solace, and substance in every troubling situation. Tools will be shared to develop skills to listen to the divine creative spark and how to open yourself to developing creative problem solving.

Kathy Neal has been an art teacher for the last thirty-seven years and is still going strong as a teacher this year. She feels that it is a most precious gift to help high schoolers learn to express their ideas and dreams through their creative expression. These teaching years have been spent helping her students to develop their creative thinking and express it in their own unique way, with developed skills. She is a mother. grandmother and great grandmother. She has been a public speaker at many events both here in Colorado, as well as Texas and California.

12:00 – 1:00

Discover Your Soul’s Mission, Activate Your Extraordinary Potential and Joyfully Prosper

with Doc Roberts

Awaken to why you incarnated; Ten Key Signs to Recognize your True Calling; Distinguish Authentic vs. False Callings; Wake up from unconscious cultural programming and liberate your Creative Potential; Enjoy full support of Divine Creative Intelligence to create the life you desire; Simple Method to Rewire your Neurophysiology and make any changes you desire quickly.

Doc Roberts, Phd. Breakthrough Psychologist, author, ecommerce entrepreneur, Fortune 500 trainer. He’s guided 10’s of 1000’s to actualize their true potential and prosper doing what they love. BS Behavioral Psychology, MS Counseling/Human Services and a PhD. Human Potential Psychology. Modalities include psychosynthesis, self actualization, behavioral restructuring, therapeutic counseling, LifeWork guidance, trained in over 200 psychological, vocational, intelligence and self development assessments.

1:00 – 2:00

Meet Your Spirit Guide

with Holly Duckworth

You have a veritable stadium full of spiritual helpers. Would you like to meet one? In this workshop, you will experience one of Dolores Cannon’s hypnosis masterpieces as we journey to meet a spirit guide, receiving gifts and messages from one of your personal spiritual helpers. Dolores Cannon’s career as a hypnotherapist specializing in past life regression spanned almost 50 years. Holly was trained by Dolores and has practiced Dolores’ healing technique, QHHT®, for over a decade. In this workshop, meet, learn about, and learn how to commune with your spirit guides and never feel alone again.

With a focus on holistic mental health, Holly is certified at the highest level as a Practitioner of Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT®). Holly was trained by Dolores Cannon and has been practicing for over 11 years. She is the author of "Finding Purpose: Surprising Wisdom from the Higher Self" and "Finding Forgiveness: Surprising Healing from the Higher Self" to share the breadth and depth of spiritual wisdom she has witnessed from her practice.

2:00 – 3:00

Vibrational Sound Tuning - Your Frequency Matters

with Caren Truske

Picking up on the energies around you? Having trouble navigating change, staying centered and aligned? Striving and surviving instead of THRIVING? Everything is energy - vibrating. These vibrations are measured in frequency. Experience 3 Potent Point Vibrational Sound Tuning practices to harmonize your Body-Mind-Spirit.

Caren Truske, MS.Ed, founder and curator of Aligned Living, is a Certified Vibrational Sound Master Teacher, Practitioner, Coach, an Acutonics student and Certified Facial Soundscapes Practitioner, Brain Gym® Instructor, Spiritual Practitioner, Energy Alchemist, Y-200 Yoga Instructor, Transformational Kinesiologist, Brain-Based Learning and Developmental Reflex Movement Specialist. An Evolutionary Energy Alchemist, Caren’s classes, courses and sessions are insightful, playful, developmental, healing, evolutionary, integrative, expansive, transformative and downright fun!

3:00 – 4:00

Henna Designs, Prayers to Wear

with Renu Lal

Experience “PRAYERS TO WEAR” with Renu Lal, renowned henna artist, gifted intuitive healer and palm reader!

A native of New Delhi, India, Renu has the ability to tune in with your energy and draw your personalized SACRED SYMBOLS. Visit Renu to learn the meanings of traditional symbols and discuss which ones best enhance your life purpose.