These seminars and workshops have been selected by the volunteer, 2017 WholeExpo Education Committee:
Margaret Cheasebro, PhD – Author, Shaman, Reiki Master;
Hunter Harrel – Editor, Healthy Living;
Martin Model, MSW – Clinical Psychotherapist;
Marge Morris, M.Ed, RD, CDE;
Judy Siekerk – WholeExpo Producer (Retired)
SATURDAY, September 9th
11:00 12:00 Noon
Hello Again from the Other Side
with Trisha Dolan
Experience the opening of the door to the "Other Side" in messages you receive from departed friends and loved ones. Do they just want to let you know that they are around you, that they are okay? (Replacing Jane Seybold)
Which Clair... Are You? Some people are gifted with more than one way to tune into Spirit. Trisha believes that everyone is psychic. Come learn which of the four senses is the strongest for you: Clairaudience (hearing), Clairvoyance (seeing), clairsentience (feelings), or Claircognizance (knowingness).
12:00 1:00
A Natural Approach to Cancer Prevention
with Laurie Gambacorta
Being healthy doesn’t have to be hard. This seminar is designed to empower you to take control of your health and well-being in the context of a system that financially benefits from a sick population. Each of us is an energetic being first and foremost: a fact that is necessary to understand when implementing a holistic approach to preventing or healing dis-ease. In this seminar we will discuss a holistic approach to cancer prevention that includes the components of nutrition, detoxing your body and your environment, emotional healing and understanding your vibrations.
Laurie Gambacorta is a long time practitioner of the healing arts and a graduate of the Institute for Integrative Nutrition where she studied with the world's top health & wellness experts including David Wolfe, Joel Fuhrman and Geneen Roth. She has been living, teaching and sharing the gift of Reiki with others for over 26 years. She is the founder of H2O Holistic Health Options and the editor and co-publisher of E.P.I.C. Magazine.
1:00 2:00
Discover What Your Symptoms Are Telling You to Build Stronger Immunity
with Fran Sutherlin, MA
Symptoms are the results of underlying problems, so do you know what your symptoms are telling you? The Healthy & Natural Journal reported that 70–80% of all doctor visits are for stress-related illnesses. Join Fran to learn 3 hidden healing opportunities to build your immunity (use these to fight off your symptoms and guard against disease); 7 common symptoms of stress (some of them may surprise you); how gut health impacts overall immunity (and how to improve yours); and how your daily fight-or-flight response is leaving you malnourished (even if you eat super-healthy).
Fran helps people to feel better, lose weight, and gain more energy to survive today's busy life through her step-by-step Optimal Health Blueprint. She has coached thousands of clients over the last 10 years across the U.S. in both group and one-on-one settings. Fran is a Registered Dietitian and Wellness Coach with a master’s degree in Nutrition and extensive training in Functional Nutrition. She enjoys living an active, outdoor lifestyle with her husband and 3 children.
2:00 3:00
Decode Your Heart Line Type
with Deborah Bohm
Learn how to identify your heart line type revealing your emotional style. We spend the vast majority of our time embroiled in relationships and deciphering emotional data. The heart line contains a great repository of information about your emotional system, your needs and what is natural (for you) in how you relate with yourself and others. This information can help you heal your emotional wounds, improve your current relationships and build healthier relationships in the future. Hand Analysis reveals your highest purpose and greatest lessons bringing clarity to your inner conflicts so you can live your life on purpose.
As a Certified Hand Analyst through the International Institute of Hand Analysis, Deborah has been professionally trained to translate fingerprints and lines and markings in the hands. Like an interpreter translates a document, she translates the prints, lines, and marking on your hands reveling the message contained within that is unique to you. Deborah is dedicated to helping you fully accept and appreciate who you are; being inspired by your own Being.
3:00 4:00
Connecting with Trees
with Margaret Cheasebro, PhD
Discover more about how to connect with trees in a relationship of mutual benefit. Once trees trust you, they love to be acknowledged, appreciated and prayed for. They accept help when they need it and offer you help as well. This workshop will include exercises that trees have shown Margaret to help you ground and balance more effectively. Tips on how to connect with trees and some helpful ways in which trees have communicated will be included.
Margaret Cheasebro is a Reiki Master, Shaman, and author. She has practiced Reiki for more than a decade. Her magazine and newspaper articles have won many state and national awards. Margaret's nonfiction book published this spring is Healing with Trees: Finding a Path to Wholeness. In her young adult fantasy/reality novel, The Healing Tree, three young people draw on their connection with nature to oppose an evil woman who wants to rule the world.
4:00 5:00
Mindful Eating
with Marge Morris, M.Ed
How we eat may be just as important as what we eat. A growing body of research suggests that a slower, more thoughtful way of eating could help people reach and maintain a healthy body weight. The stress of difficult emotions weakens the “willpower center” leading to craving and overeating. Mindfulness sharpens our ability to recognize internal cues that signal hunger and satiety. Come learn some tips for applying mindful eating in your everyday life. Dieting does not work in the long run; mindful eating could change the way you look and the way you feel.
Marge Morris, M.Ed, RD, CDE has worked at Mercy Regional Medical Center for more than 11 years. She manages the diabetes education and medical nutrition therapy center. Prior to her work at Mercy she taught nutrition at UCLA and worked as a dietitian and certified diabetes educator. She has practiced mindfulness for the past 20 years and has recently become certified to teach mindful eating.
5:00 6:00
The Mysticism of Eastern Medicine
with Tyler Van Gemert, LAc
Mysticism is a person’s essential connection with divinity. Because our western minds like to dissect the physical world we live in, our paradigm is one which often seeks to fix parts of life around us that seem “broken,” the same way we fix machines when replacements are needed after wear & tear and overuse. Eastern viewpoints acknowledge humanity as part of an eternally unified natural whole that has never been damaged and is evolving in every moment. Join Tyler in discovering the benefits of enjoying life as a celebration of “One-ness!” You'll explore wellness as a natural state of being.
Tyler VanGemert, LAc, owner of Mountain Medicine Acupuncture, uses ancient traditions of medicine such as herbalism, acupuncture, breath-work and meditation to teach an inner alignment with indigenous consciousness. This intuitive depth prepares students and patients for the liberation of mind and the opening of our bodies for the daily practice of wellbeing. By working with spirituality at the center of health, people are enabled to improve their lives and overcome obstacles to wellness.
6:00 7:00
Empowerment: How to be Powerful Beings in a Disempowering World
with Monica Devi Bhakti
Empowerment always sounds great, but how do you really get there? How can you feel empowered in situations that leave you feeling powerless? How do you affect change when you feel this way? Monica will help you explore the true nature of Empowerment and the pattern of Victim Consciousness. You will learn how to recognize the archetypal patterns in your psyche and cultural consciousness—and how to transform them. In doing this, you will come to an understanding of what empowerment really means. You will learn how to compassionately work with yourself and others to truly achieve this. Join Monica for this “power-filled” exploration.
Monica Devi Bhakti has been working and teaching in the fields of healing and energy work throughout the United States for over 25 years. She has lectured and taught classes on many subjects including Energy Dynamics, The Sensitive Person’s Tool Kit, Guides & Guideposts—Myth & the Spiritual Journey, Spiritual Menopause, and Sacred Sexuality. She works with private clients through clairvoyant/intuitive readings, counseling, Alchemical Hypnotherapy, Polarity, massage, energy work & numerous other modalities.
SUNDAY, September 10th
9:30 – 11:30
Agape in Durango Presents: Live Streaming of Michael Bernard Beckwith from Agape International Spiritual Center
Experience the powerful message of mystic, author and visionary, Michael Bernard Beckwith and the expansive music of Agape. We will LOVE Stream Live the Agape International service as it is happening in Los Angeles. The message that moves through Beckwith is keenly relevant for this time on the planet.
11:00 – 12:00 Noon
So Many Crystals… Where Do I Begin?
with Cynthia Roedig
When people are first drawn to discover the beauty and subtle energies of minerals and crystals, there is often confusion and misperception, panic even. “How do I know what I need when I don’t even know the names?” This program will help the novice crystal user begin to unravel the mystery of Gaia’s treasures. Discussion includes: an introduction to how and why they work, choice and care of stones, top-ten for your stone pouch, and what they mean. Also, Cynthia will touch on various tips and techniques for using them to enhance your life in meditation, chakra balancing and daily use.
As a child, Cynthia Roedig, an Arizona native, spent many days traversing the desert and digging holes in pursuit of her life’s first love—minerals, crystals and plain ol’ rocks. She works as a copywriter, novelist, editor and jewelry designer. A natural-born teacher, she has taught writing, beadwork, and belly dancing. Currently, as life encourages growth and expanding horizons, she now focuses on teaching about the subtle, yet powerful effects that stones can have on us.
12:00 – 1:00
Magnetizing Love Now By Releasing Your Love Blocks
with Janice Noehulani
This dynamic presentation will allow you to discover some of the most common love blocks and see how easy it is to clear many of them right on the spot. Janice will begin by talking about common blocks. Then during this interactive workshop, Janice will clear the blocks that exist within the crowd using her gift for helping people identify and clear their love blocks, whether they are current or past belief systems, ancestral/past life issues, or energetic/spiritual woes.
Janice Noehulani has been a healer/psychic healer for 23 years. Through 15 years of research and hands-on work helping people manifest love and heal psychic wounds, she noticed a 6-step process to manifesting love with great success. In 2016 she wrote the book, Manifest True Love in 6 Easy Steps. Her intention is to share the steps and some of the blocks that could be standing in your way of love.
1:00 – 2:00
Breakthrough to Brilliance!
with Doc Roberts, PhD
Doc will help you learn to apply the powerful principles of Breakthrough Psychology and the science of NeuroPlasticity to quickly transform your life and realize your true potential. Emerge into the amazing person you were born to be now. Easily liberate yourself from self-limiting habits and unconscious patterns; Experience continual joy now, not someday; Use this one powerful word that will bring you into complete connection with divine source and evolve to new heights; Discover the biggest myths/blocks to spiritual awakening. And more….
Doc Roberts, PhD, is a life long spiritual teacher and motivational speaker, with an extensive background in transformational psychology, having taught 10’s of 1000’s of individuals to self-realize and express their true potential. He has a BS in Neurophysiological Psychology, MS in Counseling/Human Services and a PhD in Self-Actualization Psychology.
2:00 – 3:00
Journey to Joy: Stop Striving and Start Thriving
with Katie Hulbert
Do you struggle with trying to be perfect? Are you trying to somehow overcome fears and insecurities by 'powering through' ? Are you exhausted from continually running and getting nowhere? Do you crave more joy and ease, but the more you do to make it happen the less you have? Well take heart! There is a way out of that cycle and into the joy and ease you want. In this workshop, I am going to share the tools I have learned through my own struggles, of how to actually stop STRIVING, PUSHING, ANGSTING...and start THRIVING, LIVING, ENJOYING today! (Replaces Oksana Zielinski)
As a cult survivor who was taught that perfectionism, shame and self loathing was the only way of life: I had a spiritual encounter at age 25 That saved my life and sent me on a path of healing and freedom. Since then. I have honed my skills as a freedom, joy and clarity coach; teaching and mentoring women around the world On letting go of shame and stress and embracing joy and freedom as a way of life.
3:00 – 4:00
Neck Trauma and Its Relationship to Various Health Issues
with Clayton Sullwold, DC
Learn how car wrecks, whiplashes, falls and other injuries to the neck can impact the health of your entire body. From migraines and vertigo to multiple sclerosis and autoimmune disorders. The epicenter of life is at the base of your skull. Find out how to protect yourself and how to overcome various disease processes.
Clayton Sullwold, DC, is an Upper Cervical Spine Specialist and owner of Atlas Specific in Durango. He works with various neurological and chronic health conditions in the Four Corners Area. Cases he has had success with include: Multiple Sclerosis, Trigeminal Neuralgia, Seizures, Meniere’s Disease, Migraines, High Blood pressure, Anxiety and Depression, Fibromyalgia, Dystonia, heart dysfunction, digestive dysfunction, and autoimmune disorders such as Raynaud’s, RA, Sojourns’ Syndrome, and more.
4:00 – 5:00
The Wild Wisdom of Weeds
with Katrina Blair, MA
In this lively presentation, you will learn how to identify and utilize common edible wild weeds as food and medicine. You will learn and experience simple recipes to integrate the wild abundance found around our homes into your daily life. These wild plants can support your survival in these changing times, and even more, they can help you to thrive in optimal primal health with little or no cost.
Katrina Blair began studying wild plants in her teens when she camped out alone for a summer with the intention of eating primarily wild foods. She completed a BA in Biology and a MA at John F Kennedy University in Holistic Health Education. She founded Turtle Lake Refuge in 1998, a non-profit, whose mission is to “Celebrate the connection between personal health and wild lands.” Katrina is the author of Local Wild Life—Turtle Lake Refuge’s Recipes for Living Deep, self-published in 2009 and The Wild Wisdom of Weeds: 13 Essential Plants for Human Survival published in 2014 by Chelsea Green Publishing.