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WholeExpo 2015 Durango
Holistic Health & Ecological Seminars & Workshops

These seminars and workshops have been selected by the volunteer, 2015 WholeExpo Education Committee:
Monica Devi Bhakti, Artist, Spiritual Counselor • Judy Cowan, Reiki Practitioner, Educator • Patty McClaflin, SCIO Practitioner, Photographer
Margaret Cheasebro, Author, Shaman, Reiki Master • Kenneth Kirby, DC, Native Soul Chiropractic

SATURDAY, September 12th

Michael Brill11:00 – 12:00 Noon

Solutions to Your Behavior Patterns-the Catalysts of your Health Issues

with Michael Brill

All of us suffer to some extent from cosmic abandonment issues. Intially, while in the celestial realm, our soul and ego consciously select the letters of our name, the numbers for our birthday, our birth and/or adoptive families, and the challenges we will face along with their solutions. The density of the energy of the earth plane is more intense causing disharmony between the ego and the soul resulting in a cosmic abandonment issue and two universal behavior patterns: doing to be loved or doing to maintain control. In this presentation, I will demonstrate the relationship and solutions between behavior and illness, disease, and injuries.

Michael Brill has a M.Ed. and has been a Numerologist since 1985. He has over 40 years of combined experiences as an author, educator, and trainer in public and private schools, college, business, and government, including ten years in the aerospace industry together with two years of NASA. He describes himself as a number disguised as a human being. He has authored four books, appeared on FOX and public television, and over 700 radio programs.

Dale Lawrence12:00 – 1:00

Connecting the Head, the Heart and Your Belief System

with Dale Lawrence

“We think and therefore we are,” or is it sometimes, “we think and therefore we are confused?” In this interactive and inspiring connection of learning, laughter and inspiration with nationally acclaimed speaker, master spiritual life coach and New Life Pastor, Dale Lawrence, you will learn how to know and reconnect with your own belief system again, to recognize who the believer within you really is and to live a life without
limitations again.

Dale Lawrence, often referred to as “one of the most inspirational and real” life speakers in the world, has been a national and international speaker, life coach and life trainer for over 25 years and based on his many life experiences of living with a terminal disease for over 35 years, heart and kidney failure, transplants and dying 4 times, not to mention his spiritual education, Dale brings a “real” and unique understanding of life to his audiences.

Leslie Fonteyne1:00 – 2:00

Abundance Now: Blowing the Lid Off!
with Leslie Fonteyne

Are you ready to experience abundance in every aspect of your life? What is stopping you? In this live-demo session, we'll identify and remove the energetic blocks that interfere with your ability to manifest the finances, relationships, work life and adventure. Here is a real opportunity for transformation, allowing you to shift into your new life of empowerment with excited anticipation. This session will test the lengths you will go to manifest your new reality now.

Leslie Fonteyne is a life transformation catalyst and clairvoyant energetic healer. Using her empathic gifts and connection to Ascended Masters and Archangels, she guides clients and workshop participants to connect to their true passions, then walks them through a real-time clearing to remove the emotional, mental and energetic blocks that prevent the fullest expression of their own outrageous abundance. The result is explosive inner change. She has published several audio teaching and meditations, and also publishes a bi-monthly blog on how to step into abundance.

Stacey Couch2:00 – 3:00

Understanding Soul Retrieval in the Modern Age
with Stacey Couch

The shamanic healing practice of soul retrieval is thousands of years old, but as we evolve in our awareness the way the soul retrieval is perceived and conducted must change with us. Join Stacey Couch, certified shamanic practitioner, as she utilizes her experience from performing hundreds of soul retrieval to explain what is emerging in this ancient but extremely relevant healing modality. Understand the cause of soul loss differently and see the contrast between traditional and new soul retrievals. Learn how symbolic sight versus literal sight can unlock layers of meaning and power in soul retrieval healings.

Stacey L. L. Couch is a Certified Shamanic Practitioner, Certified Archetypal Consultant, and author of “Gracious Wild: A Shamanic Journey with Hawks.” She works to empower people with the ability to form a real connection with our souls using story, synchronicity, and nature. With her deeply rooted experience in the field of shamanism and background with wildlife and rescue animals, Stacey offers a unique blend of tangible and mystical perspectives. WildGratitude.com

Monica Devi Bhakti3:00 – 4:00

True Empowerment—Breaking Through Victim Consciousness
with Monica Devi Bhakti

What is the truth about the pattern of victim consciousness? How do we recognize it? How do we step out of it? Do we need to? If so...why don't we? Empowerment always sounds great, but how do you really get there? In this talk, we will explore archetypal patterns present in our psyches and the cultural consciousness. We will seek to understand these patterns; and how they relate to transformation and the true nature of empowerment. We will learn practical tools to help us compassionately work with ourselves and others through this process. Join Monica in this powerful exploration.

Moncia Devi Bhakti has been working and teaching in the fields of healing and energy work throughout the United States for over 20 years. She has lectured and taught classes on many subjects including Energy Dynamics, The Sensitive Person's Tool Kit, Guides & Guideposts—Myth & the Spiritual Journey, Spiritual Menopause, and Sacred Sexuality. She works with private clients through clairvoyant / intuitive readings, counseling, alchemical hypnotherapy, polarity, massage, energy work & numerous other modalities.

Clayton Sullwold4:00 – 5:00

Innate Intelligence and the Principles of Healing
with Clayton Sullwold, D.C.

The presentation focuses on the doctor within, Innate Intelligence, terminology most widely used in the pioneering days of chiropractic. The term itself can be tracked back to 2000 years. What is it? How does it work? How to learn to trust in this intelligence? What blocks it? Why do we break down, get sick and suffer through disease processes? What are the principles of life, healing, etc? What is Upper Cervical Specific Care and how can it facilitate great expression of innate through matter? These questions and more are answered in this presentation.

Dr. Clayton Sullwold D.C. practices in Durango, Colorado. In addition to completing his Doctor of Chiropractic degree he has completed his postdoctoral certification in Upper Cervical Specific Care through the Knee Chest Society. Dr. Clayton is interested in people who have lost all hope of regaining a standard and quality of living which they previously possessed in their life. His passion is working with people who have tried everything to regain balance and quality of life and have not had prior success. He has worked with chronic and debilitating conditions such as Multiple Sclerosis, dystonia, seizures, equilibrium issues and other neurological conditions.

Rebecca Wildbear5:00 – 6:00

Embracing Your Soul's Artistry
with Rebecca Wildbear

“Art is not so much expressing oneself, as it is discovering oneself.” - Anawanita. Every person is an artist, because everyone on the planet is born with imagination. Your artistry and its expression are an integral part of your vitality. A hidden and mysterious stream flows underneath your ordinary life. In it lies the seed of your soul, or truest self, where lives your deepest creativity. You may feel a longing for its emergence as an offering to the world. Here, we'll discuss the practices involved in tracking soul, cultivating artistry, and hearing the wisdom of the inner Muse. We'll also engage in a somatic listening, gentle Wild Yoga, and/or deep imagination practice.

A soul guide, Rebecca Wildbear, M.A., supports individuals as they discover and manifest their truest gifts. She guides others in opening their sensory bodies, engaging their dream-world, and accessing their deep imagination. A therapist and wilderness guide for 17 years, she utilizes her training and experience with yoga, Hakomi and somatic pyschotherapy in her private practice. She leads programs with Animas Valley Institute, Nosara Yoga Institute, and also created Wild Yoga, a sacred aligning of soul and Earth.

Dennis O'Brien6:00 – 7:00

Osteoporosis and Adrenal Fatigue in Women: What You Need to Know
with Dennis O'Brien, DC

This discussion will cover the connection between calcium metabolism, bone loss and adrenal fatigue. Listeners will gain new tools that can be used daily to increase bone density, including dietary “do's and don'ts”, acid ash vs. alkaline ash foods, and more. Also covered will be information on bone cell types and hormonal influences on bone loss, as well as debunking myths on calcium supplements. What can you do to increase your energy and bone density? Find out in this informative discussion. Question and answer will follow.

Dr. Dennis O'Brien has been in practice since 1991 as a chiropractor and clinical nutritionist. He moved to Durango 2 years ago from the Pacific Northwest to be with his now wife, Jules. As a self described “science geek”, he enjoys helping people with difficult clinical problems that drugs don't help. Over the years, he has helped many health issues such as: digestive, hormonal, skin disorders, auto immune dysfunction, asthma, allergies, and many others.

SUNDAY, September 13th

Michael Beckwith9:30 – 11:30

Agape in Durago Presents: Live Streaming of Michael Bernard Beckwith from Agape International Spiritual Center

Experience the powerful message of mystic, author and visionary, Michael Bernard Beckwith and the expansive music of Agape. We will LOVE Stream Live the Agape International service as it is happening in Los Angeles. The message that moves through Beckwith is keenly relevant for this time on the planet.

11:00 – 12:00 Noon

Be Your Own Medium by Connecting to Your Team of Angels
with Judy Katzin, Debbie Guilbeau, Lisa Marie Glass and Jo C Soigner

Did you know that you chose your team of angels this lifetime to guide you in your life purpose? They have mastered what you have come to do. Practice connecting with your angels by using the four gifts of perception to expand your intuition, wisdom, light and joy. This is a practical way to live an enlightened life on Planet Earth. Join us in experiencing the high and loving vibration of our angels through spiritual tools and techniques that you can use in your daily life.

Judy Katzin, Debbie Guilbeau, Lisamarie Glass and Jo C Soignier are trained Spiritual Educators with the Americana Leadership College. Judy enjoys sharing with people how to communicate with their own team of angels to live a fulfilled and joyful life. Deborah Guilbeau is an author, consultant and Reiki master. Lisamarie Glass is a successful business owner in Durango. Jo C Soignier is a Certified Personal Trainer showing people how to master their own energy.

12:00 – 1:00

The Not So Secret Lessons to Body Language
with Polly Cady and Kathleen Threet

Polly Cady and Kathleen Threet will present a fun seminar that will inform you about the meaning of body language. Did you know that verbal communication only counts for 7% of all our dialog with each other? Learn ways to interpret yourself and others thru the gestures and stances we see every day. Find ways to see, hear and feel the subtle truth in how we express our energy with our bodies and understand the divine of who we are without words.

Polly Cady is founder of the Chirography Association and a Certified Handwriting Analyst. She has been teaching and doing handwriting analysis for 23 years. Kathleen Threet has used her gifts of clairaudience through readings for clients for 10 years. Both Polly and Kathleen delight in using their highly intuitive abilities to help other. They both offer spiritual counseling and practice dowsing.

Gwendolyn Hill1:00 – 2:00

Sounds from the Akasha
with Gwendolyn Hill

Join Gwendolyn's session for a one-of-a-kind sound experience.  Using the Pathway Prayer Process© to access the heart of the Akashic Records, Gwendolyn will open the Akashic Records of the group assembled. She will then use a crystal singing bowl and her voice to bring forth the perfect sounds for a deep meditation. There may also be a verbal message given to the group from the Lords of the Akashic Records and an opportunity to ask questions within the Akashic Records.

Gwendolyn has been a personal-growth facilitator, spiritual coach, energy healer, and sound healer for the past 30 years.  She has trained with Sondra Ray as a rebirther, Dr. Don McFarland as a Body Harmony practitioner, Tom Kenyon as a certified sound healer, Kelly Hampton as an Star Healing Intergalactic Energy Advanced Practitioner and most recently with Linda Howe as an Advanced Akashic Records practitioner and an Advanced Certified Teacher for the Linda Howe Center for Akashic Studies.

Tyler VanGemert2:00 – 3:00

Combining Herbal Remedies and Modern Technology for Optimal Health
with Tyler VanGemert, Lac

This seminar offers functional medical solutions for those who seek the natural way to feel your best and regain optimal health in this day and age. Let's look at the ways we can all thrive using the best of herbal remedies and modern technology. This question and answer presentation will take you through the essentials to overcome adrenal fatigue, weight issues, hormonal imbalance, mood disorders, and digestive discomfort. Why depend on medications and surgery when we have scientific lab testing combined with concentrated her herb-based solutions? Find out how to live fully again—naturally!

Environmental Biologist, Acupuncturist, and Master of Traditional Oriental Medicine, Tyler VanGemert, Lac uses elements of both eastern and western traditions to facilitate safety and comfort for patient care. Methods include Functional medicine, herbalism, and meditation to name a few. As founder of Mountain Medicine Acupuncture, Tyler seeks to empower everyone to take their health back into their own hands. 970.247.1233 MountainMedicineAcupuncture.com

Shannon Van Den Berg3:00 – 4:00

Self-Healing Immersion
with Shannon Van Den Berg

Self-healing is the key to all transformation. It raises your vibration, shifts your consciousness, manifests your desires, and accelerates spiritual growth. Knowing how to start your self-healing path and cultivate an aligned daily practice creates a foundation for deep, powerful life transformation and multidimensional connections. Whether you want to deepen your spirituality, open to the flow of prosperity, heal your body or change the vibration of the planet, self-healing lays the foundation for all growth and expansion. Shannon will give you tools to step firmly into your self-healing path and will facilitate a shamanic singing bowl healing journey.

Shannon Van Den Berg is a Spiritual Catalyst Coach who specializes in accelerating your self-healing process and spiritual connection, so you can align with a life you love and powerfully impact the consciousness of the planet. Her unique perspective of practical mysticism, multicultural shamanism and heart driven manifestation combined with her down-to-earth, heartfelt support bring clarity, speed and real mastery to your journey.

Doc Roberts4:00 – 5:00

Share your Divine Gifts with the World Now—Identify your Internet Niche and Open the Gates to True Prosperity
with Doc Roberts

Wake up to the expansion you're really capable of. Discovering your internet niche = less competition, more targeted reach, expanded possibilities, greater prosperity and making a difference in a huge way. Learn to: Recognize your Divine Calling; Easily create a website that generates real cash flow; Maximize traffic and reach a larger audience.

Doc is a breakthrough seminar leader and self-actualization coach. He currently operates 10 niche internet businesses that generate ongoing, automatic income. He has a B.S. In Neuro-Behavioral Psychology, M.S. in Vocational Counseling and a PhD. in Human Potential Psychology.